One of the greatest aspects of The Mystery Book Box is the element of surprise.

Our subscribers do not know specifically what they will experience each month, but they will have an adventure unlike anything they've embarked upon before.

What makes Mystery Book Box different is that we also include a booktrovert book club. You will log onto an online meeting program like Zoom once a month. Then you will be able to talk all about the book for that month with others that have read it also. This is included in your subscription.

Our monthly boxes do regularly sell out and we recommend subscribing sooner rather than later to ensure you don't miss out on your next reading experience.

The Mystery Book Box - Romance

The Mystery Book Box - Romance, is for those 18+ and loves Romance novels. Customers can expect to receive a curated selection of romance novels tailored for adult readers.

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The Mystery Book Box - Young Adult

The Mystery Book Box Young Adult is for those from 14 on up. Customer can expect to receive a curated selection of Young Adult novels tailored for their readers.

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